Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Baby Boot Camp Farmington Hills- Class Review

 Today was a fun change up in my workout!  Michelle from Baby Boot Camp Farminghton Hills, MI let me attend her class to try it out.  If you are a mom that loves to workout and not have to put your little one in the child care at the gym, then this class is for you!  I love that you have the chance to meet other moms, be outside, have the little ones engaged, and get a great workout in.  Michelle has a great class format that keeps you moving and burning calories the whole time.  We stared with a warm up while the babies faced each other in a circle, next we had the babies face us and we side shuffled while singing 5 little monkeys (well sing as best we could while shuffling around).  I know my little one found it amusing and we ended up back by our babies for a few second squat holds.  Next we strolled to another location to do some tababta work.  This kicked my butt!  Burpees, mountain climbers, planks...oh my!  She also worked in some strength moves and kept us moving around the park to keep the babies from getting bored!  We finished up with mat work and stretching and took the little ones out of the strollers for this.  I had a lot of fun, talked with some nice moms and best of all had a great workout, I burned 450 in just under an hour!  Not bad for toting my little one around with me.  If you are in the Farmington Hills and surrounding areas and are interested in trying a class (first one is free!) contact Michelle Kreger at or check out her Facebook page: here


  1. Did anyone have toddlers 2+ age?

    1. Yes children up until they attend school participate in class

  2. I love this... but I dont have a child... I have a stroller for my furry baby... do dogs count?? Kidding, but sounds like a great workout!!!

    1. You can bring your stroller baby :-) It was a good workout! You know how I feel about Burpees!
